Your personal video assistant

The leading video analysis software for all therapists, educators and consultants who work with video and often perform small-step analyses such as those used in VHT and Marte Meo.

With Clipbird you can easily load the prepared video during the session with your clients. By simply pressing a button, you can navigate to the desired video sequence with an accuracy of a hundredth of a second and play it back. The playback stops by itself at the point you have defined. The ideal support during video analysis. Learn more abou this method on the international website from Maria Aarts.

Create your documentation automatically during the video analysis with Clipbird and use it later as PDF or in printed form.

Why you should use Clipbird

Export Clips
Zoom and Cliplist
Clips and Images Documentation
Clipbird Main Screen
Export Clips
Zoom and Cliplist
Clips and Images Documentation
Clipbird Main Screen
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Use cases

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Originally developed for Marte Meo, Clipbird offers you all the features you need for small-step analysis and easy playback of selected sequences and images!

Clipbird convinced you?

Clipbird video analytics software

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